Association Members

The ISIC card is distributed in over 100 territories through a network of ISIC Exclusive Representatives, Provisional Exclusive Representatives and Appointed Offices. Exclusive Representatives and Provisional Exclusive Representatives have the exclusive authority to distribute, promote and develop the ISIC card within their country. Usually ISIC Exclusive Representatives are organisations such as student travel organisations, national student unions, non-government organisations or companies solely dedicated to the ISIC card.

Exclusive Representatives and Provisional Exclusive Representatives each issue the ISIC card to students through their own outlets, stores or online, and via wholesale distribution agreements with other organisations such as universities and financial institutions. The network of Exclusive Representatives makes up the 46 ISIC Association member organisations. An Appointed Office is an alternative outlet where a student can get their ISIC card. Appointed Offices are either selected by the Exclusive Representative or are appointed directly by the ISIC Service Office.